카테고리 없음 2014. 1. 12. 11:30

근래 Web API를 개발 및 테스트를 하면 매우 유용하다.


Appendix A. API Usage with cURL

This appendix provides instructions on adapting REST requests for use with cURL. cURL is a command line tool for transfering data across various protocols, including HTTP, and supports multiple platforms such as Linux, Windows, Mac OS and Solaris. Most Linux distributions include cURL as a package.

Installing cURL
A Red Hat Enterprise Linux user installs cURL with the following terminal command:
yum install curl
For other platforms, seek installation instructions on the cURL website (http://curl.haxx.se/).
Using cURL
cURL uses a command line interface to send requests to a HTTP server. Integrating a request requires the following command syntax:
Usage: curl [options] uri
The uri refers to target HTTP address to send the request. This is a location on your Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization Manager host within the API entry point path (/api).

cURL options

The request command to use. In the context of the REST API, use GET, POST, PUT or DELETE.
Example: -X GET
-H LINE, --header LINE
HTTP header to include with the request. Use multiple header options if more than one header is required.
Example: -H "Accept: application/xml" -H "Content-Type: application/xml"
The username and password of the Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization user. This attribute acts as a convenient replacement for the Authorization: header.
Example: -u admin@internal:p@55w0rd!
The location of the certificate file for SSL communication to the REST API. The certificate file is saved locally on the client machine. Use the -k attribute to bypass SSL. See Chapter 2, Authentication and Security for more information on obtaining a certificate.
Example: --cacert ~/Certificates/rhevm.cer
-d BODY, --data BODY
The body to send for requests. Use with POST, PUT and DELETE requests. Ensure to specify the Content-Type: application/xml header if a body exists in the request.
Example: -d "<cdrom><file id='rhel-server-6.0-x86_64-dvd.iso'/></cdrom>"
The following examples show how to adapt REST requests to cURL command syntax:

Example A.1. GET request

The following GET request lists the virtual machines in the vms collection. Note that a GET request does not contain a body.
GET /api/vms HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/xml
Adapt the method (GET), header (Accept: application/xml) and URI (https://[RHEVM-Host]:8443/api/vms) into the following cURL command:
$ curl -X GET -H "Accept: application/xml" -u [USER:PASS] --cacert [CERT] https://[RHEVM-Host]:8443/api/vms
An XML representation of the vms collection displays.

Example A.2. POST request

The following POST request creates a virtual machine in the vms collection. Note that a POST request requires a body.
POST /api/vms HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/xml
Content-type: application/xml

    <boot dev="hd"/>
Adapt the method (POST), headers (Accept: application/xml and Content-type: application/xml), URI (https://[RHEVM-Host]:8443/api/vms) and request body into the following cURL command:
$ curl -X POST -H "Accept: application/xml" -H "Content-type: application/xml" -u [USER:PASS] --cacert [CERT] -d "<vm><name>vm1</name><cluster><name>default</name></cluster><template><name>Blank</name></template><memory>536870912</memory><os><boot dev='hd'/></os></vm>" https://[RHEVM-Host]:8443/api/vms
The REST API creates a new virtual machine and displays an XML representation of the resource.

Example A.3. PUT request

The following PUT request updates the memory of a virtual machine resource. Note that a PUT request requires a body.
PUT /api/vms/082c794b-771f-452f-83c9-b2b5a19c0399 HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/xml
Content-type: application/xml

Adapt the method (PUT), headers (Accept: application/xml and Content-type: application/xml), URI (https://[RHEVM-Host]:8443/api/vms/082c794b-771f-452f-83c9-b2b5a19c0399) and request body into the following cURL command:
$ curl -X PUT -H "Accept: application/xml" -H "Content-type: application/xml" -u [USER:PASS] --cacert [CERT] -d "<vm><memory>1073741824</memory></vm>" https://[RHEVM-Host]:8443//api/vms/082c794b-771f-452f-83c9-b2b5a19c039
The REST API updates the virtual machine with a new memory configuration.

Example A.4. DELETE request

The following DELETE request removes a virtual machine resource.
DELETE /api/vms/082c794b-771f-452f-83c9-b2b5a19c0399 HTTP/1.1
Adapt the method (DELETE) and URI (https://[RHEVM-Host]:8443/api/vms/082c794b-771f-452f-83c9-b2b5a19c0399) into the following cURL command:
$ curl -X DELETE -u [USER:PASS] --cacert [CERT] https://[RHEVM-Host]:8443//api/vms/082c794b-771f-452f-83c9-b2b5a19c039
The REST API removes the virtual machine. Note the Accept: application/xml request header is optional due to the empty result of DELETE requests.

Example A.5. DELETE request with body

The following DELETE request force removes a virtual machine resource as indicated with the optional body.
DELETE /api/vms/082c794b-771f-452f-83c9-b2b5a19c0399 HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/xml
Content-type: application/xml

Adapt the method (DELETE), headers (Accept: application/xml and Content-type: application/xml), URI (https://[RHEVM-Host]:8443/api/vms/082c794b-771f-452f-83c9-b2b5a19c0399) and request body into the following cURL command:
$ curl -X DELETE -H "Accept: application/xml" -H "Content-type: application/xml" -u [USER:PASS] --cacert [CERT] -d "<action><force>true</force></action>" https://[RHEVM-Host]:8443//api/vms/082c794b-771f-452f-83c9-b2b5a19c039
The REST API force removes the virtual machine. 





posted by choiwonwoo