# id(x): 객체(x) 주소(address) 확인
name = 'Python'
print(f'My name is {name} and object id is {id(name)}')
# passed by Assignment!!!(추후 정리)
obj_copy = name # passed by Assignment(o) call by reference(x) call by value(x)
print(f'My name is {obj_copy} and obj_copy id is {id(obj_copy)}')
# type(x): 객체(x) 타입(type) 확인
# immutable objects: int, float, string, tuple
# mutable objects: list, dict, set
age = 18
colors = ('red','blue','yellow')
print(f'type is {type(name)}')
print(f'type is {type(age)}')
print(f'type is {type(colors)}')
# len(x): x 길이(문자열) 또는 원소의 갯수(tuple,list, dic...
# eval(x): 식(x) 결과를 반환
a = eval ('"hello" + "python"')
b = eval ('100+40')
c = eval ('len(colors)')
print(f'results are {a}, {b},{c}')